From OpenEUO
Calling Pattern
local f = sl.file(a,b)
local r = f.readall()
r is of type table (or nil upon error).
Example Usage
h = sl.file(getinstalldir()..'scripts/testread.dat', 'read') local val = h.readall() print(keyvalstr(val))
--> table keys:values = { 1:38.333412345, 2:null, 3:null, 4:null, 5:30, 6:TEST_, 7:true, 8:false, 9:null, 10:true, 11:3.141622e-030, 12:table: 0x011da540, }
Readall reads all remaining values stored in the associated file from the current cursor position. If there are no more values (readnext has reached the end of the file), then readall returns EOF. Nils written to a file are stored and returned as null.
Upon Error
Readall returns nil if there is a problem reading the file. Erroneous entries in the structured file return as a string, 'ERROR'.