From OpenEUO
Revision as of 16:59, 12 October 2010 by (Talk) (Created page with "The TStatusBar component is a row of panels, usually aligned at the bottom of a form, that display information about an application as it runs. Each panel is represented by a TSt...")
The TStatusBar component is a row of panels, usually aligned at the bottom of a form, that display information about an application as it runs. Each panel is represented by a TStatusPanel object. The SimplePanel property can be used to toggle the status bar between a single- and multi-panel display.
- TStatusBar.Canvas
- TStatusBar.Count
- TStatusBar.Delete
- TStatusBar.GetPanel
- TStatusBar.Insert
- TStatusBar.SimplePanel
- TStatusBar.SimpleText
- TStatusBar.SizeGrip
Inherited from TWinControl:
- TWinControl.CanFocus
- TWinControl.Focused
- TWinControl.Handle
- TWinControl.OnEnter
- TWinControl.OnExit
- TWinControl.SetFocus
- TWinControl.TabOrder
- TWinControl.TabStop
Inherited from TControl:
- TControl.Align
- TControl.Anchors
- TControl.BringToFront
- TControl.ClientHeight
- TControl.ClientToScreen
- TControl.ClientWidth
- TControl.Color
- TControl.Constraints
- TControl.Cursor
- TControl.Enabled
- TControl.Font
- TControl.Height
- TControl.Hide
- TControl.Hint
- TControl.Left
- TControl.OnClick
- TControl.OnDblClick
- TControl.Parent
- TControl.PopupMenu
- TControl.ScreenToClient
- TControl.SendToBack
- TControl.Show
- TControl.ShowHint
- TControl.Top
- TControl.Visible
- TControl.Width
Inherited from TComponent:
Inherited from TObject: