From OpenEUO
Revision as of 14:38, 5 October 2010 by (Talk) (Created page with "Use TLabel to add text that the user can’t edit to a form. This text can be used to label another control, and can set focus to that control when the user types an accelerator ...")
Use TLabel to add text that the user can’t edit to a form. This text can be used to label another control, and can set focus to that control when the user types an accelerator key.
Because TLabel is not a descendant of TWinControl, it does not have its own window and can’t receive direct input from the keyboard. To add an object to a form that displays text that a user can scroll or edit, use TEdit.
- TLabel.Alignment
- TLabel.AutoSize
- TLabel.Caption
- TLabel.FocusControl
- TLabel.Layout
- TLabel.OnMouseEnter
- TLabel.OnMouseLeave
- TLabel.Transparent
- TLabel.WordWrap
Inherited from TControl:
- TControl.Align
- TControl.Anchors
- TControl.BringToFront
- TControl.ClientHeight
- TControl.ClientToScreen
- TControl.ClientWidth
- TControl.Color
- TControl.Constraints
- TControl.Cursor
- TControl.Enabled
- TControl.Font
- TControl.Height
- TControl.Hide
- TControl.Hint
- TControl.Left
- TControl.OnClick
- TControl.OnDblClick
- TControl.Parent
- TControl.PopupMenu
- TControl.ScreenToClient
- TControl.SendToBack
- TControl.Show
- TControl.ShowHint
- TControl.Top
- TControl.Visible
- TControl.Width
Inherited from TComponent:
Inherited from TObject: