Including simplelib in a Project

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Dofile Call

The simplelib.lua file belongs in the lib/ subdirectory of the openeuo root directory. To use simplelib, include the following line at the top of the dependent script:

 local sl = dofile(getinstalldir()..'/lib/simplelib.lua')

That's all it takes to begin using simplelib. This initializes the library and assigns its interface to the local variable sl. In order to avoid usage errors, the interface is a special table which guards against user modification. Attempting to add new keys to the table or referencing non-existent keys will result in an error.

Intermediary Library Authors

Calling dofile() on simplelib.lua multiple times is unnecessary but will cause no harm unless the global environment guard variable simple_lib_soliton__ is overwritten. That's the only value/variable defined by simplelib in _G by default. Calling simple_lib_soliton__ returns the unique interface table of simplelib.

You can check the version of simplelib with the interface method slversion():

 local v = sl.slversion()

Version will always be a monotonically increasing real number.