From OpenEUO
Revision as of 12:36, 8 October 2010 by (Talk)
Changes the skill lock on the skill specified by the string sSkill to either: up, down or locked (0,1,2).
TSPerry72@Yahoo.com 26-Feb-2005 15:52 #39 Here is a list of 4 letter codes for each skill as of February 2005. Listed by UO catagory and alphebetized. Miscellaneous Skills Alch - Alchemy Blac - Blacksmithy Bowc - Bowcraft Fletching Bush - Bushido Carp - Carpentry Chiv - Chivalry Cook - Cooking Fish - Fishing Focu - Focus Heal - Healing Herd - Herding Lock - Lockpicking Lumb - Lumberjacking Mage - Magery Medi - Meditation Mini - Mining Musi - Musicianship Necr - Necromancy Ninj - Ninjitsu Remo - Remove Trap Resi - Resisting Spells Snoo - Snooping Stea - Stealing Stlt - Stealth Tail - Tailoring Tink - Tinkering Vete - Veterinary Combat Skills Arch - Archery Fenc - Fencing Mace - Mace Fighting Parr - Parrying Swor - Swordsmanship Tact - Tactics Wres - Wrestling Actions Anim - Animal Taming Begg - Begging Camp - Camping Dete - Detecting Hidden Disc - Discordance Hidi - Hiding Insc - Inscription Peac - Peacemaking Pois - Poisoning Prov - Provocation Spir - Spirit Speak Trac - Tracking Lore & Knowledge Anat - Anatomy Anil - Animal Lore Arms - Arms Lore Eval - Evaluating Intelligence Fore - Forensic Evaluation Item - Item Identification Tast - Taste Identification