From OpenEUO
Revision as of 07:31, 25 February 2013 by Ximan (Talk | contribs) (added colors from gui/const.lua and color generating function)
RW Color : n Specifies the background color of the control.
Use Color to read or change the background color of the control. Colors are specified by number, the underlying 32-bit BGR color format is the same as for the Delphi TColor type, with some special values assigned when the most significant byte value is 0xFF:
local function H(s) return tonumber(s,16) end local colors = { clBlack = H("00000000"), clMaroon = H("00000080"), clGreen = H("00008000"), clOlive = H("00008080"), clNavy = H("00800000"), clPurple = H("00800080"), clTeal = H("00808000"), clGray = H("00808080"), clSilver = H("00C0C0C0"), clRed = H("000000FF"), clLime = H("0000FF00"), clYellow = H("0000FFFF"), clBlue = H("00FF0000"), clFuchsia = H("00FF00FF"), clAqua = H("00FFFF00"), clWhite = H("00FFFFFF"), clMoneyGreen = H("00C0DCC0"), clSkyBlue = H("00F0CAA6"), clCream = H("00F0FBFF"), clMedGray = H("00A4A0A0"), clNone = H("1FFFFFFF"), clDefault = H("20000000"), clActiveBorder = H("FF00000A"), clActiveCaption = H("FF000002"), clAppWorkSpace = H("FF00000C"), clBackground = H("FF000001"), clBtnFace = H("FF00000F"), clBtnHighlight = H("FF000014"), clBtnShadow = H("FF000010"), clBtnText = H("FF000012"), clCaptionText = H("FF000009"), clGradientActiveCaption = H("FF00001B"), clGradientInactiveCaption = H("FF00001C"), clGrayText = H("FF000011"), clHighlight = H("FF00000D"), clHighlightText = H("FF00000E"), clHotLight = H("FF00001A"), clInactiveBorder = H("FF00000B"), clInactiveCaption = H("FF000003"), clInactiveCaptionText = H("FF000013"), clInfoBk = H("FF000018"), clInfoText = H("FF000017"), clMenu = H("FF000004"), clMenuBar = H("FF00001E"), clMenuHighlight = H("FF00001D"), clMenuText = H("FF000007"), clScrollBar = H("FF000000"), cl3DDkShadow = H("FF000015"), cl3DLight = H("FF000016"), clWindow = H("FF000005"), clWindowFrame = H("FF000006"), clWindowText = H("FF000008"), }
You can also build an arbitrary color from individual red,green and blue intensities with a function like the following:
-- red, green, and blue intensity values are integers from range 0-255 function colorRBG(red, green, blue) return red + Bit.Shl(green, 8) + Bit.Shl(blue, 16) end