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subs.txt 2.2.4 reference

Table of Contents

requirePackage - Check if package match required version.
isPackageStableRelease - Check if package is stable.
isStableRelease - Check if subs package is stable.
setDefaultLinesPerCycle - Set the default linesPerCycle for the subs.
setMaxLinesPerCycle - Set the maximum linesPerCycle for the subs.
setSpeechMode - Changes the method used to use speech triggers.
setSpeechModeSay - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to say.
setSpeechModeEmote - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to emote.
setSpeechModeWhisper - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to whisper.
setSpeechModeYell - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to yell.
clickScreenXYZ - Clicks on the screen given by world coordinates (with displacement).
clickScreenPos - Clicks on the screen given by world coordinates (with displacement).
worldXYZToScreenXY - Convert 3D world coordinates to 2D screen coordinates.
checkScreenXY - Check if 2D screen coordinates are inside the gameplay area.
openContextMenu - Opens a NPC's context menu and clicks a menuitem.
openBuy - Opens the buying menu on a specific vendor.
openSell - Opens the selling menu on a specific vendor.
buy - Buys items from an open shopping list.
charMoveAway - Move the char away from the spot where it is standing.
charTurnLeft - Turns the char one left (e.i. from N to NW).
charTurnRight - Turns the char one right (e.i. from N to NE).
charTurnAround - Turns the char in the oposite direction.
charMoveForward - Move the char forward in the direction it is facing.
pathFind - Pathfind to specific 3D world coordinates.
recall - Recalls from a runebook of your choice.
openContainerAt - Opens a container at specified position on the screen.
openContainer - Opens a container in the top left corner of the screen.
bankAt - Opens the bank box at specified position on the screen.
bank - Opens bank box and waits for it to be displayed.
closeContainerAt - Closes container opened using openContainerAt or bankAt.
closeContainer - Closes container opened using openContainer or bank.
drag - Drags an item.
drop - Drops an item.
moveItemToPos - Moves an item to a specific screen position.
moveItemToContainer - Moves an item to a specific screen position.
dropOnBackPack - Drops an item on the backpack from the paperdoll
findItemInContainer - Finds an item type only present in a container (i.e. not on the ground).
findItemInSpecificContainer - Finds an item type only present in a specific container (i.e. not on the ground).
countItemsInContainer - Counts itemtypes in any container on screen.
countStacksInContainer - Counts stacks of itemtypes in any container on screen.
countItemsInSpecificContainer - Counts itemtypes in a specific container on screen.
countStacksInSpecificContainer - Counts stacks of itemtypes in a specific container on screen.
waitForSysVar - Compares a system variable to a value; returning when the comparison evaluates as true.
waitForSysVar2 - Compares a system variable to a value; returning when the comparison evaluates as true.
waitForContIDToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForContKindToClose - Wait for a gump to close/lose focus.
waitForContKindToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForContSizeToClose - Wait for a gump to close/lose focus.
waitForContSizeToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForContTypeToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForSysMsg - Waits For a Sysmessage to occur in a certain amount of time
distanceBetweenItems - Find distance between items on the ground.
findDirectionTo - Find the direction from character to something.
exp - Calculate the exponent.
max - Returns the maximum value of passed in parameters.
@max - Returns the maximum value of passed in parameters.
min - Returns the minimum value of passed in parameters.
@min - Returns the minimum value of passed in parameters.
random - Returns a random number within a given range.
setAlwaysRun - Sets alwaysrun on or off.
toggleWarMode - Toggle character War/peace mode on or off.
maximizeUO - Maximize Ultima Online window.
minimizeUO - Minimize Ultima Online window.
restoreUO - Restore Ultima Online window.
restoreCursorPos - Restore Ultima Online window.
saveCursorPos - Restores the cursor (mouse) position that was previously saved.
timerInit - Initializes timers.
timerGet - Get a timer by index.
timerSet - Set a timer by index.
wait - Wait for a minimum of 1 second between each calls to this sub.
setWaitDelay - Set the minimum time between each calls to the sub wait.
sleep - Puts easyuo to sleep, reducing CPU usage.
setArray - Set the values in a one dimensional array.
getCreatureName - Get the name of any player, npc human, or npc monster or animal.
hideItem - To hide items from the game to the client.
getContainerInfo - Retrieves the number of items and stones for a container.
getStatLock - Gets the status of a stat lock for a specified stat.
setStatLock - Gets the status of a stat lock for a specified stat.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization
(Internal) _unsignedToSigned - Change unsigned value into signed value.
(Internal) _openShop - Opens a vendor's shopping menu.
(Internal) _pathFindDist - Distance between to 3D world coordinate sets.
(Internal) _getBackpackXY -
(Internal) _getPaperdollXY -
(Internal) _getStatusBar - Gets the coordinates of the status bar for use in setStatLock and getStatLock.
(Deprecated) ensurePackageVersion - Ensures the package is of the requested version
(Deprecated) ensureVersion - Ensures the package is of the requested version
(Deprecated) getString -
(Deprecated) hide -
(Deprecated) waitAfterHide -
(Deprecated) meditate -
(Deprecated) meditateFull -
(Deprecated) checkSkillGain -
(Deprecated) ascii -
(Deprecated) chr -
(Deprecated) setMessage -
(Deprecated) sayMessage -