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setup.txt 1.1.0 reference

Table of Contents

gamePlayWindowSize - Set UO game window size.
gamePlayWindowPos - Set UO game window position.
backpack - Places the character's mainpack.
overview - Places the overview at a specified position.
paperdoll - Places the paperdoll at a specified position.
statusBar - Places the statusbar at a specified position.
smallStatusBar - Places the small statusbar at a specified position.
ensureStatusBarOpen - Makes sure your status bar is open at a specified position.
defineStatusBarPos - Sets where you want your status bar via drag.
itemTypesString - Targets things and build a "item type string" for use with findItem.
lastSpell - Wait for a spell to be cast.
lastTarget - Bring target cursor and wait for something to be targeted.
typedLastTarget - Bring target cursor and wait for something to be targeted.
value - Let the user type a value on the keyboard and returns it.
rangedValue - Let the user type a value on the keyboard and returns it. Validates range and retries.
runebook - Allow a user to specify a Runebook without hardcoding variables.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization