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binary.txt 1.1.0 reference

Table of Contents

castAsByte - Casts a value as an 8-bits unsigned integer.
castAsWord - Casts a value as a 16-bits unsigned integer.
castAsRGB - Casts a value as a 24-bits unsigned integer.
~ - Performs a binary NOT on a variable.
& - Performs a binary AND on two variables.
| - Performs a binary OR (bitwise inclusive) on two variables.
^ - Performs a binary XOR (bitwise exclusive) on two variables.
<< - Performs a signed binary Left Shift on a variable.
>> - Performs a signed binary Right Shift on a variable.
>>> - Performs a signed binary Right Shift on a variable.
inputHex - Converts a hexadecimal string value into a number.
inputBin - Converts a binary string value into a number.
outputHex - Converts a value into a hexadimal string.
outputBin - Converts a value into a binary string.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization