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Subs tags

Sub header

Documentation for a specific sub should appear above the sub. The declaration starts with ;** and is followed by an unlimited number of lines that start with ;*. The declaration ends with the sub header. The number of white space before and inbetween tags is unlimited.

The long description is given without tags. The <p> tag may be applied to denote a new paragram in the long description. All other tags are stripped.

;* Extracts a part of a string. Note: if %2 isn't in %1 it will 
;* return null; if %3 isn't in %1 it will return from %2 to end of %1. 
;* Requires high linesPerCycle to work efficiently. 
;* @author  Rolo 
;* @purpose Extracts a part of a string. 
;* @param   %1  string  req  String to extract from 
;*          %2  left    req  Left of string 
;*          %3  right   opt  Right of string 
;*          %4  return  opt  Name of return value ('return' by default) 
;* @return  @%4 is the string in %1 between %2 and %3 
;* @example call string.txt extract ___<string>___ < > token 
;*          display ok %token
sub extract


The @author tag describes the author of the sub.

;* @author { author name }


The @changes tag describes the global variables changed by the sub.

;* @changes { description }


The @deprecated tag denotes that a sub is deprecated.

;* @deprecated { description }


The @example tag describes an example of how to use the sub.

;* @example { codeline }
;*          { codeline }


The @internal tag denotes a sub internal to the library and should not be used externally.

;* @internal


The @param tag describes the parameters when calling the sub.

;* @param { param number } { param name } { req | opt } { Description }
;*        { param number } { param name } { req | opt } { Description }


The @purpose tag describes the purpose (in one line) of the sub.

;* @purpose { description }


The @return tag describes what the sub returns.

;* @return { description }


The @see tag describes other subs to see for cross reference.

;* @see { package.subName | subName } ...